Wissen was unter dem Bauwerk geschieht...
Neben der Messwerterfassung am Bauwerk selbst ist es nur logisch, Zustände des Baugrundes als Indikatormessung in Größe und Einfluss zu erfassen und den Baugrund zu beweissichern. Hier gelten andere Regeln, um für den Geotechniker wertschöpfende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Bedeutende Messgrößen sind neben Deformationsmessungen auch Porenwasserdrücke, Wasserstände, Spannungs- und Druck- und Setzungsmessungen.
Sie sind Bestandteil typischer Überwachungsmethoden von Erdbauwerken wie Dämmen, Trassen und Böschungsbauwerken und klassischer Hang- und Gebirgssicherung.
Baugrundveränderungen sind für die Tragfähigkeit der Fundamente von großer Wichtigkeit und können Störungszustände und Veränderungen prognostizieren. Deshalb findet auch Geomesstechnik ihren Einsatz in Gründungen in der Gebirgsmechanik, im Hochwasserschutz und ebenso geologisch kritischen Bereichen.
Einige Messsysteme der Baumesstechnik finden neben klassischen Systemen in modifizierter Form natürlich auch Anwendung in der Geomesstechnik.
Hier wird schnell klar, dass Anpassungen an die Systematik notwendig sind, um einen funktionalen, kraftschlüssigen Verbau an die Geologie möglich zu machen.
Hier wird die Anwendungskompetenz zum ausschlaggebenden Erfolgsfaktor. Schon in der Planung. Intensive Forschungskompetenz und ein hoher Erfahrungsschatz, dem einige Fehlschläge vorausgegangen sein müssen, sind hier zwingend erforderliche Voraussetzungen die eine Spezial-Instrumentierer wie uns zur einer Fachfirma machen.
Knowing what is happening under the structure...
In addition to the recording of measured values on the structure itself, it is only logical to record conditions of the subsoil as an indicator measurement in terms of size and influence and to provide evidence of the subsoil. Here, other rules apply in order to achieve value-adding results for the geotechnical engineer. In addition to deformation measurements, important measured variables include pore water pressures, water levels, stress and pressure and settlement measurements.
They are part of typical monitoring methods of earthworks such as dams, roadways and embankment structures and classical slope and rock support.
Ground changes are of great importance for the bearing capacity of foundations and can predict fault conditions and changes. Therefore, geomeasurement technology also finds its application in foundations in rock mechanics, flood control and equally geologically critical areas.
Some measuring systems of the construction measuring technology find beside classical systems in modified form naturally also application in the geo measuring technology.
Here it quickly becomes clear that adaptations to the system are necessary in order to make functional, force-locked shoring to the geology possible.
This is where application expertise becomes the decisive factor for success. Already in the planning phase. Intensive research competence and a wealth of experience, which must have been preceded by a number of failures, are mandatory prerequisites here that make a specialist instrumentation company like us a specialist company.
In addition to the recording of measured values on the structure itself, it is only logical to record conditions of the subsoil as an indicator measurement in terms of size and influence and to provide evidence of the subsoil. Here, other rules apply in order to achieve value-adding results for the geotechnical engineer. In addition to deformation measurements, important measured variables include pore water pressures, water levels, stress and pressure and settlement measurements.
They are part of typical monitoring methods of earthworks such as dams, roadways and embankment structures and classical slope and rock support.
Ground changes are of great importance for the bearing capacity of foundations and can predict fault conditions and changes. Therefore, geomeasurement technology also finds its application in foundations in rock mechanics, flood control and equally geologically critical areas.
Some measuring systems of the construction measuring technology find beside classical systems in modified form naturally also application in the geo measuring technology.
Here it quickly becomes clear that adaptations to the system are necessary in order to make functional, force-locked shoring to the geology possible.
This is where application expertise becomes the decisive factor for success. Already in the planning phase. Intensive research competence and a wealth of experience, which must have been preceded by a number of failures, are mandatory prerequisites here that make a specialist instrumentation company like us a specialist company.
Themen und Fachbereiche der Geomesstechnik:
Hang- und Böschungssicherung, Bergbau, Deponiebau, Spezialtiefbau, Erdbau, Tiefbau, Wasserhaltung, Hochwasserschutz, Dammbau, Baugründungen, Pfahlintegrität, Tunnelbau, Pumpspeicherwerke, Innerstädtischer Bau, Infrastrukturmaßnahmen, Bodenverbesserung
...um nur einige zu nennen, die zu unserem Standardrepertoire zählen.
Geotechnical engineering topics and specialties:
Slope and embankment stabilization, mining, landfill construction, foundation engineering, earthworks, civil engineering, dewatering, flood control, dam construction, foundation engineering, pile integrity, tunnelling, pumped storage, inner city construction, infrastructure measures, ground improvement.
...just to name a few that are part of our standard repertoire.
Angebotene Messsysteme in der Geotechnik:
Wasser und Porenwasserdrucksysteme, Klima- und Temperaturmessung, Weg- und Dehnungsmessung, Neigungs- und Deformationsmessung , Inklinometerketten und Messtellen, Hebungs- und Setzungsmessung, Präzisions-Schlauchwaagen, Kraft und Ankerkraftmessung
Wir erheben an dieser Stelle keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit!
Offered measurement systems in geotechnics:
Water and pore water pressure systems, climate and temperature measurement, displacement and strain measurement, inclination and deformation measurement , inclinometer chains and measuring points, heave and settlement measurement, precision hose scales, force and anchor force measurement.
Water and pore water pressure systems, climate and temperature measurement, displacement and strain measurement, inclination and deformation measurement , inclinometer chains and measuring points, heave and settlement measurement, precision hose scales, force and anchor force measurement.
We make no claim to completeness at this point!