Faseroptische Anwendung (Glas- und Polymerfaser)
in "punktuell-insitu" oder "quasi-verteilter" Anwendung
in "punktuell-insitu" oder "quasi-verteilter" Anwendung
Die Frage nach dem System ist eine Frage nach der Systematik und Anforderung. Faseroptische Anwendungen sind nicht nur supermodern, sondern auch unschlagbar vielseitig. Seit den 1980er Jahren wird unablässig zu diesem Messsystemen geforscht und entwickelt und die GGB ist von den Anfängen an immer mit dabei. Es stehen zwei grundsätzliche Anwendungsmethoden zur Verfügung, die seit neuester Zeit auch miteinander kombiniert werden
Nachfolgende Messsysteme stehen durch uns und über uns aktuell zur Verfügung:
Braggitter, Brillouin, Raman, FabriPerriot und Doering
Braggitter, Brillouin, Raman, FabriPerriot und Doering
Glasfaser, das aktuelle Messmedium ist nicht nur als allerorts eingesetztes Medium zur schnellsten und störungsfreien Datenübertragung in physikalischen Netzwerken bekannt. Es ist nicht nur Versorgungsgrundlage unseres Internets sowie wichtigster Bestandteil der Dateninfrastruktur in allen digital aufgestellten und vernetzen Ländern, sondern auch Zukunftstechnologie, deren hoch entwickelte Existenz wir uns erstaunlicher Weise in der Geo- und Baumesstechnik zu Nutze machen.
Glasfasernetze sind nahezu einflussfrei in Bezug auf die Qualität ihrer Funktion und für viele Jahrzehnte, wenn nicht sogar Jahrhunderte ausgelegt und alterungsbeständig. Somit nimmt die digitale Glasfaservernetzung unseres Landes ihren ungebrochen schnellen und fortschrittlichen Verlauf und ersetzt zukünftig weitgehend alle analogen Kabel gebundenen Technologien. Weil sie dafür prädestiniert ist.
Fiber optic application (glass and polymer fiber)
in "point-insitu" or "quasi-distributed" application
The question about the system is a question about the systematics and requirements. Fiber optic applications are not only super-modern, but also unbeatably versatile. Research and development on this measurement system has been ongoing since the 1980s, and GGB has been involved from the beginning. Two basic application methods are available, which can now be combined with each other.
can be combined.
The following measuring systems are currently available through us and via us:
Braggitter, Brillouin, Raman, FabriPerriot and Doering.
Fiber optics, the current measurement medium, is not only known as the medium used everywhere for the fastest and interference-free data transmission in physical networks. It is not only the supply basis of our Internet as well as the most important component of the data infrastructure in all digitally set up and networked countries, but also a technology of the future whose highly developed existence we make use of in an astonishing way in geo- and construction measurement technology.
Fiber optic networks are virtually unaffected in terms of the quality of their function and are designed and resistant to aging for many decades, if not centuries. Thus, the digital fiber optic networking of our country continues its unbroken fast and progressive course and will largely replace all analog cable-bound technologies in the future. Because it is predestined for this.
in "point-insitu" or "quasi-distributed" application
The question about the system is a question about the systematics and requirements. Fiber optic applications are not only super-modern, but also unbeatably versatile. Research and development on this measurement system has been ongoing since the 1980s, and GGB has been involved from the beginning. Two basic application methods are available, which can now be combined with each other.
can be combined.
The following measuring systems are currently available through us and via us:
Braggitter, Brillouin, Raman, FabriPerriot and Doering.
Fiber optics, the current measurement medium, is not only known as the medium used everywhere for the fastest and interference-free data transmission in physical networks. It is not only the supply basis of our Internet as well as the most important component of the data infrastructure in all digitally set up and networked countries, but also a technology of the future whose highly developed existence we make use of in an astonishing way in geo- and construction measurement technology.
Fiber optic networks are virtually unaffected in terms of the quality of their function and are designed and resistant to aging for many decades, if not centuries. Thus, the digital fiber optic networking of our country continues its unbroken fast and progressive course and will largely replace all analog cable-bound technologies in the future. Because it is predestined for this.
Die einzige Schwäche des Mediums Glas ist unser Ansatz zur Datenerhebung und Nutzung bestehender Hochtechnologen...
The only weakness of glass as a medium is our approach to data collection and use of existing high-tech...
...gleichzeitig Motivation den Fortschritt im Bereich der Forschung mit Polymerfasern zu stärken und zu begleiten.
...at the same time motivation to strengthen and accompany the progress in the field of research with polymer fibers.
Technologischer Ansatz
Glasfaser besitzt eine hohe Festigkeit, bestehen aus Quarzglas und damit auch Elementen, die überall verfügbar und abbaubar sind und damit unabhängig von gegenwärtigen Rohstoffspekulationen und Preisschwankungen auf dem Weltmarkt sind. Wie es zum Beispiel bei Kupfer der Fall ist. - und dadurch auch über lange Zeit hinweg kalkulierbar günstig.
Die Herstellung von Quarzglas kann als nachhaltig bezeichnet werden, da die dazugehörige Energie aus erneuerbaren Energien genutzt werden können und sie vollständig recycelbar sind. Der Bedarf an faseroptischen Kabeln ist unersättlich und in den Ingenieurswissenschaften als Zukunftstechnologie anerkannt und Bestandteil von erweiterten Forschungsleistungen.
Glas ist erstaunlicher Weise kein Feststoff, sondern entspricht physikalisch den Aggregatszustand einer Flüssigkeit und folgt auch den entsprechenden Gesetzen.
Seine erstaunliche Festigkeit folgt ebenso eine noch unglaublichere Dehnungsfähigkeit von bis zu 6% Bruchdehnung (spezifisch) und eignet sich hervorragend für den Verbau in statischen Bauelementen, deren Verformung in dieser Größenordnung schon mit einer Zerstörung gleichzusetzen ist.
Also fast überall wo ein Messbereich von 3% Dehnung zu erwarten ist.
Ihre einzige Schwäche ist die Querspannung und damit der Krafteintrag quer zur Faserrichtung, was zu besonderen Schutzmaßnahmen führen muss, da das feste, aber spröde Material bei entsprechendem Krafteintrag zu einem Bruch der Faser neigt. Dagegen kann man mit Sachverstand aber etwas tun und Schutzmaßnahmen in der Applikation einleiten. - Wenn man weiß, was man tut.
Hier kommt das Handwerk Baumesstechnik wieder zum Tagen, dass aus Erfahrung und Wissen über das, was im Bauwesen erforderlich ist, anwendbar sein muss. Kein unlösbares Problem, sondern eine sensible Aufgabe, die nicht jedes Unternehmen oder Bildungseinrichtung einfach so und selbstverständlich leisten kann.
Technological approach
Glass fiber has a high strength, consists of quartz glass and thus also elements that are available and degradable everywhere and thus independent of current raw material speculation and price fluctuations on the world market. As is the case with copper, for example. - and therefore calculably favorable over a long period of time.
The production of quartz glass can be described as sustainable, since the associated energy can be used from renewable sources and it is fully recyclable. The demand for fiber optic cables is insatiable and is recognized in the engineering community as a future technology and part of extended research efforts.
Surprisingly, glass is not a solid, but physically corresponds to the aggregate state of a liquid and also follows the corresponding laws.
Its astonishing strength is followed by an even more unbelievable elongation capacity of up to 6% elongation at break (specific) and is excellently suited for use in static components, whose deformation in this order of magnitude is already equivalent to destruction.
So almost everywhere where a measuring range of 3% strain is to be expected.
Their only weakness is the transverse stress and thus the force application transverse to the fiber direction, which must lead to special protective measures, since the strong but brittle material tends to break the fiber with corresponding force application. However, with expert knowledge, something can be done about this and protective measures can be introduced in the application. - If you know what you are doing.
This is where the craft of construction measurement technology comes into play again, which must be applicable from experience and knowledge of what is required in the construction industry. Not an unsolvable problem, but a sensitive task that not every company or educational institution can do just like that and as a matter of course.
Glass fiber has a high strength, consists of quartz glass and thus also elements that are available and degradable everywhere and thus independent of current raw material speculation and price fluctuations on the world market. As is the case with copper, for example. - and therefore calculably favorable over a long period of time.
The production of quartz glass can be described as sustainable, since the associated energy can be used from renewable sources and it is fully recyclable. The demand for fiber optic cables is insatiable and is recognized in the engineering community as a future technology and part of extended research efforts.
Surprisingly, glass is not a solid, but physically corresponds to the aggregate state of a liquid and also follows the corresponding laws.
Its astonishing strength is followed by an even more unbelievable elongation capacity of up to 6% elongation at break (specific) and is excellently suited for use in static components, whose deformation in this order of magnitude is already equivalent to destruction.
So almost everywhere where a measuring range of 3% strain is to be expected.
Their only weakness is the transverse stress and thus the force application transverse to the fiber direction, which must lead to special protective measures, since the strong but brittle material tends to break the fiber with corresponding force application. However, with expert knowledge, something can be done about this and protective measures can be introduced in the application. - If you know what you are doing.
This is where the craft of construction measurement technology comes into play again, which must be applicable from experience and knowledge of what is required in the construction industry. Not an unsolvable problem, but a sensitive task that not every company or educational institution can do just like that and as a matter of course.
Messtechnik im Bauwesen ist eine kleine und überschaubare Branche, deren Wichtigkeit bis heute noch nicht erkannt und gewürdigt wird, aber im Zuge zunehmend struktureller Schwächen und kaum noch vorhersagbaren dynamischen Belastungen selten eindringlich untersucht sind, da Ausführung und die Wahl des verbauten Baumaterials entsprechend der Anforderungen an das Bauwerk sehr stark variieren können.
Dafür haben experimentierfreudige Unternehmen gesorgt, die mehr experimentiert als tatsächlich geleistet haben. Das trägt nicht für das Renommee einer Technologie bei, der wir uns seit über 30 Jahren verschrieben haben.
So dass man sich bis heute fast ausschließlich an Parametern und theoretischen Annahmen orientieren muss, die einer statischen Berechnung dienen.
Wenn sich das Bauwesen seiner Verantwortung und Stellung im Weltmarkt erst einmal bewusst ist und mit dem Industriebau wie Flugzeug-, oder Schiffsbau gleichwertig betrachtet wird und auch ähnliche Qualitätsstandards bestehen, wird der Einsatz dieser Messtechnologie sehr schnell als Standard erkannt. Zumal der Informationsgehalt kaum zu übertreffen ist.
In diesen Ingenieurbereichen diskutiert niemand über die Notwendigkeit faseroptischer Messlösungen, dort sind sie schon seit Jahrzehnten angewendet und dienen zur Erfüllung hoher Sicherheitsstandards.
Es ist also Zeit für ein Umdenken und Modernisierung einer Branche, zumal flächendeckende Erfassung von Zuständen anstelle des Einsatzes ungleicher theoretischer FE Berechnungsmethoden eine Neuorientierung dringend erforderlich geworden ist. Das Bauwesen wird irgendwann dieser Steilvorlage folgen müssen, auch wenn man sich bis heute behaglich dagegen sträubt. Warum auch immer.
Mit der GGB können Sie diesen Schritt und bevorstehenden Weg gehen und Erfolg durch positive Erfahrungen buchen, die auch Ihr Qualitätsbewusstsein fördern werden.
Future prospects:
Metrology in construction is a small and manageable industry, the importance of which has not yet been recognized and appreciated, but in the wake of increasingly structural weaknesses and hardly predictable dynamic loads are rarely studied in depth, since execution and the choice of construction material used can vary greatly according to the requirements of the structure.
This has been taken care of by companies that have experimented more than they have actually performed. This does not help the reputation of a technology to which we have been committed for over 30 years.
So much so that, to this day, one has to orient oneself almost exclusively to parameters and theoretical assumptions that serve a static calculation.
Once the construction industry is aware of its responsibility and position in the world market and is considered on an equal footing with industrial construction such as aircraft or ship building, and similar quality standards exist, the use of this measurement technology will very quickly be recognized as the standard. Especially since the information content can hardly be surpassed.
In these engineering fields, no one is discussing the need for fiber optic measurement solutions, where they have been used for decades and serve to meet high safety standards.
So it is time for a rethink and modernization of an industry, especially since area-wide recording of conditions instead of using disparate theoretical FE calculation methods has become an urgent need for reorientation. At some point, the construction industry will have to follow this lead, even if it has been comfortably resisted to date. Why ever.
With the GGB you can go this step and forthcoming way and book success by positive experiences, which will promote also your quality consciousness.
Metrology in construction is a small and manageable industry, the importance of which has not yet been recognized and appreciated, but in the wake of increasingly structural weaknesses and hardly predictable dynamic loads are rarely studied in depth, since execution and the choice of construction material used can vary greatly according to the requirements of the structure.
This has been taken care of by companies that have experimented more than they have actually performed. This does not help the reputation of a technology to which we have been committed for over 30 years.
So much so that, to this day, one has to orient oneself almost exclusively to parameters and theoretical assumptions that serve a static calculation.
Once the construction industry is aware of its responsibility and position in the world market and is considered on an equal footing with industrial construction such as aircraft or ship building, and similar quality standards exist, the use of this measurement technology will very quickly be recognized as the standard. Especially since the information content can hardly be surpassed.
In these engineering fields, no one is discussing the need for fiber optic measurement solutions, where they have been used for decades and serve to meet high safety standards.
So it is time for a rethink and modernization of an industry, especially since area-wide recording of conditions instead of using disparate theoretical FE calculation methods has become an urgent need for reorientation. At some point, the construction industry will have to follow this lead, even if it has been comfortably resisted to date. Why ever.
With the GGB you can go this step and forthcoming way and book success by positive experiences, which will promote also your quality consciousness.