In der Regel sind das nur Kraft, Wege, Dehnungs- und Temperaturmesssysteme, um die Regeln der Statik abzugleichen und mit den Kennwerten der eingesetzten Materialien und Festigkeitswerte statischer Elemente zu belegen und zu überwachen.
Wir unterscheiden je nach Aufgabenstellung statische und dynamische Messmethoden und halten dabei Umgebungsvariablen wie klimatische Einflüsse im Auge und kompensieren sie, um resultierende Deformationen klar absetzen und klassifizieren zu können.
Das Ziel ist es, theoretische Erwartungen mit realen Zuständen abzugleichen. Man spricht hierbei von der Beweissicherungsmethode.
Aber, der Weg ist das Ziel:
Damit es auch richtig gemacht wird, gilt es einige Grundlagen und Vorgaben zu erfüllen. Anwendungshinweise und Verbundkonstruktionen zu beachten, die die Hersteller meist selbst nicht kennen und auch in ihren meist zurückhaltenden Anwendungsbeschreibungen nicht erklären.
Müssen sie auch nicht, denn dafür gibt es ja uns. - Wenn's gut sein soll.
As a rule, these are only force, displacement, strain and temperature measurement systems in order to match the rules of statics and to substantiate and monitor them with the characteristic values of the materials used and strength values of static elements.
Depending on the task at hand, we distinguish between static and dynamic measurement methods, keeping an eye on environmental variables such as climatic influences and compensating for them in order to be able to clearly separate and classify resulting deformations.
The goal is to match theoretical expectations with real conditions. This is referred to as the evidence method.
Depending on the task at hand, we distinguish between static and dynamic measurement methods, keeping an eye on environmental variables such as climatic influences and compensating for them in order to be able to clearly separate and classify resulting deformations.
The goal is to match theoretical expectations with real conditions. This is referred to as the evidence method.
But, the way is the goal:
To get it right, there are some basics and specifications that must be met. Application instructions and composite structures must be observed, which the manufacturers themselves are usually unaware of and do not explain in their usually reticent application descriptions.
They don't have to, because that's what we're here for. - If it has to be good.
They don't have to, because that's what we're here for. - If it has to be good.
Fachbereiche der Baumesstechnik
#Geotechnik #Spezialtiefbau #Bauwerksmonitoring #Deponiebau #Bergbau über und unter Tage #Dammbau #Wasserbau #Talsperrenbau #Energieanlagen #Chemische Industrie #Forschungsanlagen #Straßenbau #Bahnbau #Wasser- und Schifffahrtstassen #Schleusen und Hebewerke #Hochbau #Brückenbau #Bestandssicherung #Bauwerksüberwachung #Liegenschaften #Hostorische Bestandssicherung #Städtebau #Tunnelbau #Hangsicherung #Energiespeicheranlagen #Geothermie #Windkraftwerke #Infrastruktur #Flug- und Hafenbau #Geologie und Seismik #Naturkatastrophen #Forschung und Entwicklung #Digitale Infrastruktur #Warn- und Meldeanlagen #Tiefbau #Erdbau #Umweltmessungen #Baugrubensicherung #Piplinebau #Erddämme #Stahlbetondämme #Holzbau #Betonbau und #Stahlbau #Klima- und Umweltmessung
So unerschöpflich sind unsere Anwendungen und Erfahrungen in den verschiedensten Spezialingenieurbaubereichen, dass wir im Einzelnen nicht mehr darauf eingehen können.
Aber fühlen Sie sich frei und aufgefordert, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen. Wir haben auch für Ihren Bedarf die richtige Lösung und verarbeiten sie zu einem Werkzeug der Erkenntnis.
Messtechnik der klassischen Geo- und Baumesstechnik
● Deformationserfassung - Lage- und Positionsbestimmung:
● Hebungs- und Setzungsmessung
● Winkel- und Neigungsmessung
● Kraft- und Ankerkraftmessung
● Luft,- Wasser- und Porenwasserdruck
● Klima- und Umweltmessung
● Wegstrecken und Dehnungsmessung
● Längen- und Streckenmessung
● Druck- und Spannungsmessung
● Impuls- und Beschleunigung
● Zeit- und Geschwindigkeit
Special fields of construction measurement
#geotechnical engineering #special civil engineering #structural monitoring #landfill construction #surface and underground mining #dam construction #water engineering #dam construction #energy plants #chemical industry #research facilities #road construction #railroad construction #water and navigation channels #locks and lifts #structural engineering #bridge construction #surveillance #property #hostage #urban development #tunneling #slope stabilization #energy storage facilities #geothermal energy #wind power plants #infrastructure #aviation and port construction #geology and seismics #natural disasters #research and development #digital infrastructure #warning and reporting systems #civil engineering #earthworks #environmental measurements #site protection #pipeline construction #earth dams #reinforced concrete dams #timber construction #concrete construction and #steel construction #climate and environmental measurement
#geotechnical engineering #special civil engineering #structural monitoring #landfill construction #surface and underground mining #dam construction #water engineering #dam construction #energy plants #chemical industry #research facilities #road construction #railroad construction #water and navigation channels #locks and lifts #structural engineering #bridge construction #surveillance #property #hostage #urban development #tunneling #slope stabilization #energy storage facilities #geothermal energy #wind power plants #infrastructure #aviation and port construction #geology and seismics #natural disasters #research and development #digital infrastructure #warning and reporting systems #civil engineering #earthworks #environmental measurements #site protection #pipeline construction #earth dams #reinforced concrete dams #timber construction #concrete construction and #steel construction #climate and environmental measurement
So inexhaustible are our applications and experiences in a wide variety of specialty engineering construction fields that we cannot go into detail.
But feel free and encouraged to contact us. We will have the right solution for your needs as well and process it into a tool of knowledge.
Measurement technology of classical geotechnical and construction measurement.
● Deformation detection - position and attitude determination:
● Elevation and settlement measurement.
● Angle and inclination measurement
● Force and anchor force measurement
● Air, water and pore water pressure.
● Climate and environmental measurement
● Displacement and strain measurement
● Length and distance measurement
● Pressure and stress measurement
● Pulse and acceleration
● Time and speed
● Angle and inclination measurement
● Force and anchor force measurement
● Air, water and pore water pressure.
● Climate and environmental measurement
● Displacement and strain measurement
● Length and distance measurement
● Pressure and stress measurement
● Pulse and acceleration
● Time and speed
Special fields of construction measurement
#geotechnical engineering #special civil engineering #structural monitoring #landfill construction #surface and underground mining #dam construction #water engineering #dam construction #energy plants #chemical industry #research facilities #road construction #railroad construction #water and navigation routes #locks and lifts #structural engineering #bridge construction #surveillance #property #hostage #urban development #tunnel construction #slope stabilization #energy storage facilities #geothermal energy #wind power plants #infrastructure #aviation and port construction #geology and seismics #natural disasters #research and development #digital infrastructure #warning and reporting systems #civil engineering #earthworks #environmental measurements #site protection #pipeline construction #earth dams #reinforced concrete dams #timber construction #concrete construction and #steel construction #climate and environmental measurement
So inexhaustible are our applications and experiences in a wide variety of specialty engineering construction fields that we cannot go into detail.
But feel free and encouraged to contact us. We have the right solution for your needs, too, and turn it into a tool of knowledge.
Measurement technology of the classical
geo- and construction measurement technology
geo- and construction measurement technology
● Deformation measurement - determination of position and orientation:
● Elevation and settlement measurement
● Angle and inclination measurement
● Force and anchor force measurement
● Air, water and pore water pressure
● Climate and environmental measurement
● Distance and strain measurement
● Length and distance measurement
● Pressure and stress measurement
● Pulse and acceleration
● Time and speed
Technische Grundlösungen:
Hydraulik- Pneumatik, Faser Optik, Elektromechanik, Schwingsaitensysteme, Baumechanik, Mikromechanik, Digitaltechnologien, physikalische Sensoren
Alle Techniken anzubieten und sie auch informationstechnisch zusammenzufassen, macht uns zum "global Player" der Baumesstechnik für alle Fach- und Anwendungsbereiche.
Basic technical solutions:
Hydraulics- pneumatics, fiber optics, electromechanics, vibrating wire systems, construction mechanics, micromechanics, digital technologies, physical sensors.
Offering all technologies and also combining them in terms of information technology makes us the "global player" in construction measurement technology for all technical and application areas.
Vielseitigkeit und unerschöpfliche Lösungskompetenz
sind unserer Stärke, denn wir kennen uns nahezu mit allem aus, was die Messtechnik aus allen Fachbereichen für ihren Ingenieursbedarf zu bieten hat und fixieren uns nicht auf ein bestimmtes Portfolio bestehender Produkte wie es Herstellerfirmen im Allgemeinen tun, wenn Sie diese direkt anfragen.
Versatility and inexhaustible solution competence
are our strength, because we are familiar with almost everything that measurement technology has to offer from all disciplines for your engineering needs and do not fixate on a specific portfolio of existing products as manufacturing companies generally do when you ask them directly.
are our strength, because we are familiar with almost everything that measurement technology has to offer from all disciplines for your engineering needs and do not fixate on a specific portfolio of existing products as manufacturing companies generally do when you ask them directly.
Die statische Unversehrtheit oder Bestandssicherung mit der Aufnahme des Status Quo und Erfassung kontinuierlicher Veränderungen sind Basis eines funktionierenden Sicherheitskonzeptes.
Diese können nur bedingt durch Sichtprüfungen erfasst und lokalisiert werden. Eben da, wo das Auge keinen Einblick hat, kommt Baumesstechnik zum Einsatz und erfasst Veränderungen in nicht offensichtlich sichtbaren Sub-Millimeterbereich für Prognosen der Veränderung bevor der Schaden sichtbar wird.
Klassisch kommen Setzungsmesssysteme wie Schlauchwaagen oder Riss- Monitoring durch präzise Dehnungsaufnehmer im Verbau der Elemente und Fundamente zum Einsatz.
Klassisch kommen Setzungsmesssysteme wie Schlauchwaagen oder Riss- Monitoring durch präzise Dehnungsaufnehmer im Verbau der Elemente und Fundamente zum Einsatz.
Mobile Messsysteme ergänzen die Integritätsmessung durch manuelle Aufnahme von Zustandsänderungen im nicht sichtbaren Baugrund oder an statisch relevanten Elementen. Klassisch, Horizontal- und Vertikaldeformationen mittels Inklinometermessungen oder verteilte Dehnungsmessung in Glasfaser Kabelstrecken.
Integrity measurement systems
Static integrity or inventory protection with recording of the status quo and recording of continuous changes are the basis of a functioning safety concept.
These can only be recorded and localized to a limited extent by visual inspections. Where the eye has no insight, construction measurement technology comes into play and records changes in the sub-milimeter range, which is not obviously visible, for forecasts of the change before the damage becomes visible.
Static integrity or inventory protection with recording of the status quo and recording of continuous changes are the basis of a functioning safety concept.
These can only be recorded and localized to a limited extent by visual inspections. Where the eye has no insight, construction measurement technology comes into play and records changes in the sub-milimeter range, which is not obviously visible, for forecasts of the change before the damage becomes visible.
Classically, settlement measurement systems such as hose scales or crack monitoring using precise strain transducers are used in the shoring of elements and foundations.
Mobile measuring systems supplement integrity measurement by manually recording changes in condition in the non-visible subsoil or on statically relevant elements. Classical, horizontal and vertical deformations by means of inclinometer measurements or distributed strain measurement in fiber optic cable sections.
Mobile measuring systems supplement integrity measurement by manually recording changes in condition in the non-visible subsoil or on statically relevant elements. Classical, horizontal and vertical deformations by means of inclinometer measurements or distributed strain measurement in fiber optic cable sections.
Statische insitu positionierte Monitoring Überwachungssysteme
Einzelsensoren in analoger oder digitaler Vernetzung mit modularen Erfassungsanlagen aus eigenem Hause, Multiplexer oder Controller. Wenn es kompromisslos funktionieren soll, wählen Sie diese Komponenten aus unserem Hause aus. Dafür sind sie da, quasi dynamisch verteilte Zustand-Erfassungssysteme
sind hochtechnologische Lösungen verschiedenster Hersteller. Wir haben für Sie eine Vorauswahl zertifizierter Lösungen in unserem Portfolio, die wir uneingeschränkt empfehlen können, weil sie unserem Qualitätsstandard entsprechen.
Hierzu kommen meist auch spezialisierte Partnerunternehmen über unsere Empfehlung zum Einsatz, die eine Implementation in unser Datenerfassungssystem GKSPro® möglich machen, um eine Vergleichbarkeit mit bestehenden statischen Systemen herstellen zu können.
Static insitu positioned monitoring surveillance systems
Single sensors in analog or digital networking with modular detection systems from our company, multiplexers or controllers. If you want it to work without compromise, select these components from our company. That's what they are there for, quasi dynamically distributed state detection systems
are high-tech solutions from various manufacturers. We have a pre-selection of certified solutions in our portfolio for you, which we can recommend without reservation, because they correspond to our quality standard.
For this purpose, specialized partner companies are usually also used via our recommendation, which make an implementation in our data acquisition system GKSPro® possible, in order to be able to establish a comparability with existing static systems.
Single sensors in analog or digital networking with modular detection systems from our company, multiplexers or controllers. If you want it to work without compromise, select these components from our company. That's what they are there for, quasi dynamically distributed state detection systems
are high-tech solutions from various manufacturers. We have a pre-selection of certified solutions in our portfolio for you, which we can recommend without reservation, because they correspond to our quality standard.
For this purpose, specialized partner companies are usually also used via our recommendation, which make an implementation in our data acquisition system GKSPro® possible, in order to be able to establish a comparability with existing static systems.